People can change their name for various reasons, for example adding a surname, family name, or changing their name altogether. The procedure to change one’s name is to submit an application to the District Court where the applicant is located, then register the name change with the Population and Civil Registry Service.

Name changes are categorized as one of the important population events as stated in Article 1 point 17 of Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration (“UU AK“):

Article 1 point 17

“Important events are events experienced by a person including birth, death, stillbirth, marriage, divorce, recognition of children, validation of children, adoption of children, change of name and change of citizenship status.”

That a person’s name change is registered with the Population and Civil Registry Service, however, in order for the name change to be registered, the person concerned must have obtained a court order determining the applicant’s name change:

Article 52 UU AK

“(1) Registration of name changes is carried out based on the decision of the district court where the applicant is located.

(2) The registration of name changes as intended in paragraph (1) must be reported by the Resident to the Implementing Agency that issues the Civil Registration deed no later than 30 (thirty) days after the Resident receives a copy of the district court’s decision.

(3) Based on the report as intended in paragraph (2), the Civil Registration Officer makes marginal notes on the Civil Registration deed register and excerpts from the Civil Registration deed.”


The same thing is also regulated in Article 53 of Presidential Regulation Number 96 of 2018 concerning Requirements and Procedures for Population Registration and Civil Registration.

“Registering a resident’s name change must meet the following requirements:

  1. copy of district court decision;
  2. excerpt from Civil Registration deed;
  3. КК;
  4. e-KTP; And
  5. Travel Documents for Foreigners.”

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